Installation & Update

To make sure, anything will run fine, a unix based system is necessary. Things might work on Windows, too, but it was never tested to do so.

You will also need docker, docker-compose, openssl, git and a bash on your local machine. As all tasks are made for bash, a zsh or similar shells will work, too.

First setup

Clone the repository somewhere to your machine. Make a copy of the .env.template and save it as .env into the same folder. (Windows uses a different SOCKET_PATH, all other variables should be fine.)


The ${BASE_DIR} variable references the installation directory for the proxy and can be used anywhere within the configuration.

Use a shell within the project directory and make sure to have execution rights on the DockerExec file with chmod +x DockerExec. You should also create a softlink or alias for DockerExec, e.g. ln -s /path/to/this/docker-proxy/DockerExec /home/$USER/.local/bin/DockerExec.

If the shell script was installed correctly, type DockerExec help to get a list of tasks, the script can do for you.


You need to belong to the sudo group, as DockerExec has to update your /etc/hosts file, in order to match the network for your projects.

Run DockerExec init-certs and follow the prompts. This should create multiple certificates in the certs folder, containing a rootCA.crt. Any info you type into the prompts is optional. In the next step, you have to register this self-signed certificate to your default browser(s).

Using the Proxy-Stack on MacOS

The library realpath is mandatory for DockerExec to work with local files. You have to install the coreutils to get that library. With Homebrew installed, use brew install coreutils.

Read further on how to install Homebrew.

Install the rootCA to Firefox

Go to Settings -> Security and scroll to the bottom, then click Show Certificates. In the tab certificate authorities click import, navigate to the aforementioned /certs folder and select rootCA.crt to import. Select both checkboxes and confirm.

Install the rootCA to Chrome or Chromium

In Settings -> Manage certificates -> Authorities. Navigate to the aforementioned /certs folder and select rootCA.crt to import.

This also works for Opera or Vivaldi browsers.

Docker-Proxy-Stack Update

Once your Docker Proxy setup is finished, you can update the script with following steps:

  1. Simply use DockerExec self-update.

  2. Read new release notes

Manual update

In case the automated update did not work, try this:

In the root directory of this repository

  1. Run git fetch --tags && REVLIST=$(git rev-list --tags --max-count=1) && git checkout $(git describe --tags $REVLIST)

  2. Read new release notes